Luoyang Beijiao Airport (LYA ).located in the northern suburbs of Luoyang City Mangshan, About 10 km north of the city center with a total area of 1.8 square kilometers. Airport construction was started in 1986, on September 26, 1987 officially opened to traffic. Luoyang Airport is an important hub for air traffic in Henan Province, one of national first class air ports and in accordance with 4D airport flight zone grade level. Flights are available from Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and a few other major cities. In 2009, Luoyang airport was the 4th busiest airport in China in terms of traffic movement .At present , it has the Domestic Terminal and International Terminal. Luoyang is famous for the peony, so during its blooming season in April and May, the airport becomes very busy.